About two weeks ago, Mike pronounced Saturday, October 24th, Family Fun Day. We would all spend the day together, and we each got to choose one activity for the day. I chose to go out for a big breakfast, so we started our day at the "Fryin' Pan". It was okay, but I don't think we will make a return trip.
Next we burned some time in Target while we waited for the zoo to open. Lily had a gift card from Grandma Olson, so she bought some glitter glues, skittles, and a stuffed Elmo doll. She still has some money left on the card -- what a frugal shopper!
Next we headed to the zoo (Lily's choice) despite the rain. It was a special Halloween festival day, so Lily got lots of treats and did a few crafts.
Riding the carousel with Dad
Showing the ferret her new pinwheel
This cow would see you coming, stick out her tongue, and wait for you to place food on it!
This crane was pecking at the window trying to get Mike's gum
They were feeding the wolves while we were there. Who knew they liked pumpkins? (After the deer legs were gone, of course!)
After Lily took a long nap, we made a supper of steak and potatoes. We also dug out the air popper (haven't used it in years!) and made some caramel corn.

And finally for Mike's choice of activity, we snuggled in to watch a movie in our PJs. (I don't know that "VeggieTales: Jonah and the Big Whale" was his first choice, but parents make sacrifices, right?
Overall, it was a very fun day. I would recommend Family Fun Day!