Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soak it in



every moment

of summer

before we kiss it


Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer Snippets

I started teacher workshop on Monday, so my summer is quickly waning. I looked back through my pictures and wanted to capture a few things that I missed during the last couple months.

Lily at our National Night Out neighborhood block party (it had a western theme) The local SWAT team showed up at the party and we got to tour the truck.

Lily's version of a little sister. (Yes she put it on him herself, unbeknownst to me!)

Cousin Samina and Lily enjoying bath time!
Now we know where she gets the curls! Cousin Maddie came for a weekend visit. We all loved having her stay -- what a treat!

3 out of 5 -- pretty good.

This is a video clip of Lily's last day at "nastics." One of her favorite things each week was to run down this long trampoline. I can't blame her; it looks fun to do, but parents aren't allowed on the equipment. (I forgot to flip the movie, so you'll have to turn your head to watch -- sorry!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At the Lake

My aunt and uncle have been kind enough to let us use their lake home the last couple summers. It is a great place to relax and play. Despite some crummy weather this last weekend, we were able to squeeze in some water fun.
Lauren, Samina, Lily and me riding on the massive tube.

Wow! What a grandma!

Grandpa and Lauren doing some fishing.

Samina driving the boat with Uncle Mike.

Grandma telling Lily (for the hundredth time) to slow down on the boat!

Our little family

"This thing can't tip!"

"Whoa! Maybe it can!"

Lily and the frog she caught herself!

Lily and Grandma heading down to the dock.
Thanks Aunt Pennie and Uncle Steve for sharing your place with us!