Tuesday, June 26, 2012

From the mouths of babes. . .

A summary of summer, so far.

Farmer Bob and Farmhand Sam going to see the "tacto" and the "meow-meow."

"Can we have another cookie?  Please?"

Me and my sweet mom on Mother's Day.  Lily concluded that you must get shorter as you get older because, "your mom is shorter than you and Grandma Olson is even shorter than Grandma Crabtree!"

Sam congratulating Lily on her last day of gymnastics.  She said she was ready to take a break from gymnastics because she is, "really more into soccer and swimming right now."

Lily and her teachers at Preschool graduation.

Another pic with G & G

"Mom, how many pictures do we have to take?"

Everytime we pass the mower in the garage, Sam says, "Mow?  Not now."

Lily told me when I was lounging on this inflatable I looked "snotty".  Strangely, I knew just what she meant.

Because of my cautiousness while puddle jumping in the street, Sam now runs to the boulevard grass, freezes, and calls, "cow!" when a car drives down our street, even when we are playing safely near the house!

"Amy" -- what Sammy calls himself.

"I wish your hair was all yellow again, Mom." Lily has told me this several times since I colored my hair.

"We don't actually allow outside food in the zoo."  Two zoo workers told me this has always been their policy.  News to me and every mom there.  So here we are, eating apples from home.  Rule-breakers!

Lily before her first soccer practice:  "I thought I was excited, but now I think I am nervous.  I really don't like how these shin guards look."

Lily 10 minutes in:  "I am not having any fun.  I really can't do this!"

10 minutes later:  "Well that game was pretty fun."

After her first practice:  "Well that was more fun than I thought it would be.  I'm hungry."