Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Merry Little Christmas

Nothing says Christmas like. . .

Gingerbread villages

Church Christmas programs

 Imperfect family photos

Letters to Santa

Cookies with Mrs. Claus

Telling Santa your heart's desire

Making sugar cookies

Red sweater vests and runny noses

Christmas carol sing-alongs

Big smooches 

More imperfect family photos


Ice fishing 

Sledding (on grass?!)

New toys

Ticket To Ride tournament with the family

Snow or no snow, we had a wonderful Christmas season.  The hope and celebration of Jesus' birth, time with extended family, creating new traditions with our own little family -- I loved every minute.  I would replay it all if I could.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This and That

A few moments from the past few weeks in the Olson house:

I had some old apples that weren't very tasty, and I didn't have the energy to make a pie.  These apple cookies were an easier and healthier alternative.  Here is the recipe, if it looks good to you!  http://www.food.com/recipe/oatmeal-apple-cookies-30981

Helping Dad get ready for goose hunting. 

He didn't get any geese -- I wasn't too heart-broken :-)

My cutest Christmas decoration

 The after-nap curls
 Snow angels in our dusting of snow.  This all melted and we have no snow.  I don't mind. . .at least until December 24th.

A festive idea I found on Pinterest -- my recent discovery (and love!)

And the tip of the month:
When you haven't seen or heard Sam for more than 5 minutes, you can usually anticipate some clean-up.


A few weeks ago, Mike and I had a chance to go to Washington DC (without kids!). He had a conference, so I tagged along. The weather was great (73 one day!) and the sights were amazing.

Supreme Court Building
Thomas Jefferson memorial at early evening 
Library of Congress
Orchids at the White House Botanical Gardens


The Metro!

Old Town Alexandria

We had some very tired feet, but it was such a relaxing, fun time with my hubby.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Out of the mouth of Lily

More Lilyisms that I want to remember:

* One day she walked up to Sam, squeezed his cheeks and said, "Oh, you tender little mushroom."

*  Before bed, when we noticed something spilled on her pajamas that neither of us could identify, she said, "I better go ask dad.  He's a scientist."

*  During her bath the other night I overheard her pretending with her toys.  One character said to the other, "Hey this water is getting salty.  Are you making a stew out of me?!"

*  At supper she was trying to pay me a compliment about the food.  "Mom this food was your delight! (pause) Or not.  I don't really know what that word means."

*  After some failed efforts of trying to get Sam to play pretend with her she sighed, "He really doesn't get how to play with me yet."

*  After drying off from her bath she informed me, "I think if our private parts were real people and could walk away from us, the bums would be the boys and the privates would be the girls."  She even made herself giggle with that one!

*  While throwing a major fit about the outfit I told her she must wear to church, we could hear through her bedroom door, "I just can't wear it.  I think I am going to be sick!"

* While playing with playdough, she was making a girl with lots of long hair. I said, "Wow, her hair grew fast." Her serious response, "Yeah, I know, she's from France."

She's got spunk, and I love her!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh deer!

A week ago we travelled to my parents' house in Brainerd in hopes of a successful deer hunt.  For Mike that is.  The kids were more interested in:

Picking eggs

Hanging out with the cats

And brushing their teeth in the shower?

Mike had a pretty good time too!

 8 points, his biggest yet. 
He actually got this buck over on my brother's property near Ironton, so thanks, Eric and Bridget.  A venison package is set aside for you.

So this past weekend we processed the deer.  Yep, we did it ourselves.  We spent our weekend cutting, grinding, seasoning, smoking and packaging venison. 

The final stats:
20 lbs of steaks and roasts
13 lbs of pepper sticks
10 lbs of jerkey
15 lbs of summer sausage

Here is a sampler platter:

(Those are pumpkin seeds on the right.)

The verdict?  Delicious!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall is in the air

A fall update on the kiddos:
Sam is getting very busy and continues to try "new things":
     *how various items look in the toilet
     *how many "no-no"s it takes before the parents make me stop
     *new laughs and silly faces
     *all kinds of kisses (puckered, sloppy, and blowing kisses).

Showing off his new molars!

Cute little puddle jumpers

Lily is still singing her way through life.  She loves to pretend with her Polly Pockets, watch "Chopped" with Mom and Dad, and work on most anything that involves art or cooking.  She would always choose to do something with one of us, so we are working on alone time.  (For her benefit and mine!)  She adores her brother, and he is in no need of someone to "guide" him.  The most exciting development is that she is starting to read a bit on her own.  She can sound out some words and figure others out from context.  Hip, hip, hooray!

 Making hoe cakes on the fire with Dad

Carmel apples

We are enjoying the season, hoping it will hang as long as possible. 
Even Ollie seems pleased with fall!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"F" is for friends. 
This is the first year she had a "friends" party. Lots of little princesses at our house to celebrate.

"I" is for icing.
It took a lot of frosting to keep this princess castle cake together!

"V" is for very.

Very excited about breakfast in bed. . .

and her new make-up table Dad made.

"E" is for exhausted.
Sleeping soundly under her new canopy after a day filled with the princess life.

Happy 5th birthday, Lily. 
You really are our princess.  We love you to the moon and back.