Thursday, December 8, 2011

This and That

A few moments from the past few weeks in the Olson house:

I had some old apples that weren't very tasty, and I didn't have the energy to make a pie.  These apple cookies were an easier and healthier alternative.  Here is the recipe, if it looks good to you!

Helping Dad get ready for goose hunting. 

He didn't get any geese -- I wasn't too heart-broken :-)

My cutest Christmas decoration

 The after-nap curls
 Snow angels in our dusting of snow.  This all melted and we have no snow.  I don't mind. . .at least until December 24th.

A festive idea I found on Pinterest -- my recent discovery (and love!)

And the tip of the month:
When you haven't seen or heard Sam for more than 5 minutes, you can usually anticipate some clean-up.

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