Monday, September 21, 2009


Our silly Lily is 3!
My life has changed so much since September 22, 2006:

*I have lived a year without a single full-night's sleep

*I have experienced near insanity over many seemingly small things (nap schedule, strange poop, to snack or not to snack)

*I have spent way too much money on cute clothes she never wanted to wear

*I have cleaned up mess after mess after mess after mess. . .

*I have experienced worry on an entirely new level

**I have had excuses to wear stained clothing in public

**I have become less judgemental

**I have never tired of kissing those sweet cheeks

**I have a whole new part of my husband to love

**I have learned to appreciate the value of tickling

**I have felt love in parts of my heart I didn't know existed

Happy Birthday, Lily! We love you!


Stephanie Brandt said...

Happy Birthday Lily! We were on our way to AWANA tonight when Emily said, "I want to call Lily to wish her happy birthday!" I told her maybe after AWANA, but if it gets too late and we don't, know that we were thinking of her today and hope it was a great one!

AG said...

The time flies, it really absolutely flies. Always appreciate hearing your thoughts..and I can commiserate with far too many of them. "mess after mess after mess...".