Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sammy!

September 1st, 2010:  After a night of unexpected labor (before a planned C-section!), we finally got to hold our Samuel Lee.

The first week home:  We all were adjusting, but clearly these two were smitten.

Fall 2010:  He was grinning his way into everyone's hearts.

Winter 2011:  He was so content to go anywhere we wanted to go!

Spring 2011:  He started moving, everywhere!

Summer 2011:  He was a whirlwind, but a very smiley, goofy one.

August 28th, 2011:  We celebrated his first birthday with a Little People farm animal ice cream cake that Lily and cousin Samina helped decorate.

Sam ate his whole piece!
 I can't imagine our family without this sweet little man.  I can't wait for what the next year holds! 
Happy Birthday, Sammy!

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