* Getting ready to leave the house, and Lily wants a snack. I give her the option of cereal or pretzels. She asks for candy. "No, cereal or pretzels." She asks for marshmallows. "No, cereal or pretzels." She asks for fruit snacks. "No. Last chance, cereal, pretzels or nothing." She grabs raisins. "Okay, no snack right now." Fit ensues.
* High school all-star volleyball girls are practicing at the school where I work, so Lily and I stop to watch. A man comes over to tell me a little about the teams. As he is talking to me Lily is saying, "Mom, excuse me, excuse me!" in rising volume. I interrupt the conversation to ask her to wait. For the rest of the conversation she is pulling at me and climbing on me until we just have to leave. Ugh.
* Lily is looking at my beautiful pink Vinca flowers out front. As she touches them I say, "Just be careful; don't pull on them." Less than 5 seconds later, she has popped two blooms off.
* A trip to the grocery store turns into a terrible whine session because the cart seat is "too ouchie", and when I move her to the big part of the cart, she can't stand it when any of the groceries touch her. Oh, and she asked for a treat 57 times. (I know, I know. I should have looked at my day so far and opted out of a grocery trip with a two-year-old.)
*There are many more examples I could share, but I will end with this one. This morning, apparently Lily wasn't completely done on the toilet, because she ended up pooping a little on the living room carpet. As I am cleaning it up, she sits down next to me and smiles. "I like to poop on the floor." Aaaaahhhhhhh!
Well, my hope is that this list will entertain some of you and evoke empathy in others. I am sure I will think it is hilarious. . .when she is 20.
It's just good she is so cute.
Thanks for keeping it real! I really appreciate this in the middle of summer when there are days when I wonder. God did you really know what you were doing when you gave me these children, b/c they are driving me crazy!!!
I miss you and hope we can get together sometime. I forgot to send you the play pals schedule but I will do it now. We've only met twice and they are on Tuesdays.
Hahahaha... thanks for the laughs! I could actually relate on some level with 3 of the 5 with the crazy dogs that I've had in my life - 1) being so obnoxious that I can't stop for a conversation with a neighbor during a walk; 2) plucking the blooms off my flowers (except Olive tries to eat them too and they are supposed to be poisonous); and of course... 3) having to clean poop off the carpet. At least my dogs haven't sat there and told me they actually "like to poop on the floor" LOL.
On another note, I recognize the funny side sit that Zipper has in the background of the photo with Lily in the shoes. It must be her back left leg that hurts? I think that's how it went with Sage... that she leaned off towards the injured side until we had it fixed. She squared back up after the surgery. How's she doing?
Love it, Em. I need to do a "keeping it real" blog soon, too. Day to day life is NOTHING like I usually put on the blog!
Em. Oh, we are definitely in the same phase of life. My prime moment this weekend: I threatened Dylan I would hose him off if he has another accident. Of course, he had another accident, so I had to follow-through and hose him off (it helps that it's over 100 degrees here every day!). Justin knew what I was thinking and told me that he doesn't want a new mama, that he likes me. ahhh..good thing he said that!
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