Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Time

This week we welcomed some family back to MN. My brother and his family now live only 2 1/2 hours away instead of 22 1/2 hours away! We went over to visit them the other day. Here is Lauren riding her pony Spirit. Lily took a little ride as well, but I didn't get a picture. Lily and Mina testing out the lawn tractor.

Saturday we went to a niece's grad party, so Lily saw some other cousins.

Here is a hot afternoon hanging out at home.

Painting a picture for Dad. (I know, does my daughter ever wear a shirt and pants?)

Finally, here is my hubby grilling supper tonight. He is flexing to make up for the fact that there is no actual meat on the grill. Take a close look: eggplant steaks and green beans being grilled with real apple wood from our own apple tree. It was delicious!

(Yes, his shirt says "License to Grill" -- ha!)

1 comment:

Stephanie Brandt said...

Wow, Mike must be working out! ha ha.