Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa "Cwabtwee" came for a quick visit this weekend. When they walked in to pick up Lily from daycare, she began laughing and sprinting around the room like a nut. Goofy.

Mike and I got an evening out for Christmas shopping (and came home with nothing!) and Lily got some quality time with Grandpa and Grandma.

Per his usual, Grandpa was teasing her while we were strolling around Target. He would repeat what she was saying with a "w" in place of an "r." Finally she'd had enough and sternly said, "Don't use that voice, Grandpa." She is learning to handle the men in her life that can't help but tease her.

These are a bit old, but here are some fun pics from our Thanksgiving at a hotel. She couldn't get enough of the pools or her cousins, especially Mina. (Can't wait to have you closer E and B!)

1 comment:

Stephanie Brandt said...

Lily looks so tall in that bottom picture! Loved the video, too, especially of Lily standing up at the end :)