Sunday, February 12, 2012


Here is a sample of a few of Sammy's favorite words.  (Sorry the video didn't rotate.)  At the beginning you can hear him calling "Mom." (In the tone of a 5-year-old tattling on her brother.) "Up" and "Bee" are words I hear many times a day! 
A few more favorite words: "Yiyi" (Lily), "Dada!" (screamed excitedly when Mike walks in the door), "Ah-yi" (Ollie, called in an owner's tone), "bop" (cup), and "bow" (for granola bar).

One more Sammy story:  I was running some bath water for him the other night.  He was playing in Lily's room, so I took the extra minutes to clean up the kitchen a bit.  When I went to turn the water off, this is what I found:

Now, I could have felt guilty for not watching my 17 month old while there is a tub full of water in the house, but instead I grabbed the camera.  Priorities.

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