Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year

Although the year is not so new anymore, I still haven't posted from our New Year's Eve party. We got together with some college friends who we have been with almost every New Year since our NWC days. The addition of children has added a new dimension to our party, and though 6 little girls ages 4 1/2 and younger doesn't sound like a New Year's Eve bash, we had a great time. The girls played so well together, and thanks to Jon and Laurie's spacious house, the adults could chat and play cards without battling the noise!

I love watching Laurie in this video, attempting to somehow childproof the room :-)

Dressing up!

The adults (and Jeremy)


Anonymous said...

We probably don't even have to play his one...

Emily said...

I know that is you, Jer. Nemesis. . .