Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Miss Chatterbox

Lily is a self-proclaimed chatterbox. She will readily admit she loves to talk. If there is a silence, she likes to fill it, however she can. Lately she has been breaking the silence with this: "Mom," (pause for me to respond), "I love you."

It must have been the 6th or 7th time she had told me this in a day when I said, "That's very nice Lily. You are telling me that a lot today."
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I just want to say something and I can't think of anything else to say so that's what I say."
Hmmmmm, I love you too, Lily.

The other day I was at Target with Lily and Sam.  We had finished checking out and were ready to head out the door when Lily told me she needed use the bathroom.  "Okay, but let's hurry," I said.  Three of the four stalls were occupied, so Lily quickly hustled into the last open stall.  She was chattering away, telling me about how the stall looked from the inside. (I was waiting by the sinks with Sam in the cart.)  Then she started grunting.
"Mom, I guess I need to go poop."  I am sure the women in the stalls on either side of her were glad to know what was going on.  After more chattering, she started to click her tongue.  "Mom, when I make that noise it means I am done."
I head into the stall to help her and she hops off the toilet and turns around to inspect her "work".  "Wow, that's a monster!" she said at full volume.  You could have heard a pin drop in that bathroom.  I don't know if the other women were horrified or stifling a laugh, but I know I still chuckle thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

I'll add one . . . lily and I were in the sauna last night and there was another guy in there sitting on the top bench. It is a tiny sauna and she sits right next to him. I say "lily, why don't you come sit by me" She comes down. After about 20 sec she says "Dad can I go up there when that guy leaves?" (the guy is 3 feet away from us and obviously hears this). I say, "no let's just sit down here" 30 seconds later . . . "Dad, when do you think that guy is going to leave?" HAHAAHHAHAAHA

Stephanie Brandt said...

Now those are funny stories, keep them coming!

AG said...

Both Jeremy and I are laughing at the Target story and the sauna story. Little too close to home for us! :)